MR Fashion Shopping vs Physical Fashion Shopping

June 07, 2022

Fashion shopping has come a long way since the dawn of retail. From dragging ourselves to multiple stores to look for the perfect outfit to buying clothes through web stores, fashion shopping has witnessed a myriad of changes. One such revolutionary change that has emerged is "Mixed Reality (MR) Fashion Shopping." MR fashion shopping refers to the utilization of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) technologies to shop for clothing online virtually. The question arises, which one between MR fashion shopping and Physical fashion shopping is better? Let's dive into a detailed comparison.

The In-Person Clothing Shopping Experience

There's no denying that there's a unique satisfaction to visit physical stores for clothes shopping. Having the ability to feel, touch, and try on material, knowing if an outfit fits and suits us right, is undoubtedly undervalued when it comes to shopping. However, the drawbacks of visiting physical stores cannot be neglected either. For instance, we need to spend time traveling to the stores, waiting in long lines, and moving from one store to another, which ultimately wastes valuable time.

The MR Clothing Shopping Experience

MR fashion shopping eliminates the need to travel, wait in lines, and visit multiple stores. It allows the shopper to browse through a range of clothes from the comfort of their home or any location they prefer. With the help of MR, shoppers can virtually try on clothing, and every detail of the outfit can be viewed from different angles. For instance, one can change the size and color of the apparel to see what will suit them the best. MR fashion shopping is highly convenient and time-saving, which might sound too good to be true, but it is true!

Which One Is Better?

After discussing the pros and cons of both physical and MR fashion shopping, do we have a clear winner? Well, not really. The answer highly depends on an individual's lifestyle and personal preferences. If you're somebody who enjoys the social aspects of traditional shopping, engaging with others while enjoying the experience of physically shopping, then in-person fashion shopping is your go-to. In contrast, if you're somebody who values convenience and saving time, MR fashion shopping is the perfect fit for you.


According to a survey, the percentage of shoppers preferring online shopping has increased from 22% in 2000 to 79% in 2019 1. Additionally, VR and AR retail is predicted to reach a value of USD 919.6 billion by 2027, indicating a tremendous future outlook for the MR fashion industry 2.


Both MR and physical shopping have their pros and cons; the preference comes down to the user. While physical shopping is an immersive experience, it has its limitations, including tediousness and time consumption. By contrast, MR fashion shopping is convenient and quickly becoming the norm with more and more people shopping for clothes online.


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